What is a Unicorn?
Written by Craig Chacon on May 26th, 2022

So, you want to be a Unicorn? There are unwritten rules and expectations for couples, throuples+, and groups looking for Unicorns and we want to share those with you.
Let us guide you to becoming the lustful and most respectful Unicorn the community has ever enjoyed. Are you a Unicorn? What is a Unicorn you might ask? A unicorn is single woman who joins in sexual relations with couples, throuples+, or groups.
Many alternative, non-monogamous, and polyamorous couples, throuples+ successfully enjoy finding and participating with unicorns. A few things to keep in mind when planning a romp as the mythical unicorn
Dating Profiles
Create a dating profile. Have clear pictures of your face and body. No one likes to guess what you look like and it makes many feel like you are hiding something. Need to protect you identity, then lock those photos in a locked folder with a password. Use clear language and be direct about what you are looking for, your sexuality, and what you want in play partners. The more information you provide the better. Less is not more in this community.
Everyone has their own standards of grooming and what they like, and you won’t match with everyone. Be honest about your grooming and do the following at minimum because cleanliness and hygiene are important:
1. Take a shower
2. Brush Your teeth
3. Trim and clean your nails
4. Wear clean & cute clothing
5. Use deodorant (unless your all natural)
Communication is key
Talk, Talk, and talk more. Talk with the couple, throuple+, or group you want to sexually engage with. Define and express your wants and needs, and make sure they align with their wants and needs as well. Not everything matches? That’ ok, negotiate the style of play until everyone is comfortable and eager with the terms set forth. Make sure all parties are involved in every aspect of communication, group texts work great for this.
Establish boundaries, dos, don’ts, and Hell No’s. Not everything matches? That’ ok, negotiate the boundaries until everyone is comfortable and eager with the terms s
et forth. Talk about reactions if things were to get awkward or uncomfortable. Create an action plan if things get uncomfortable, this way everyone is on board and can help ease the tension should it arise. When everyone is in the know then you know and assumptions get put to the side.
No one gets left out
Discuss everyone sexuality, sexual preferences, and style of play. Nobody wants to feel left out, and by highlighted these topics everyone can enjoy something if not everything that is happening in the moment.
Quick Check ins
In the heat of the moment things can be hot and heavy. Make sure that everyone is checking in with one another periodically to make sure things like comfortability, boundaries, consent, and eagerness are still in play.
What if ?
Talk with everyone about what happens if… and create a proper and smooth response from everyone, so no one feels awkward, judged, or negative. Things happen, and mistakes happen; we are all human and that’s ok!
After Action Plan
So you played things went great! Now what?! Do you spend the night, if you do is it in their bed, another room. Talk about what happens after the play time is over. The more everyone is prepared the better everyone will feel.
Have fun and be that Unicorn
Pheww, all the awkward and tough conversations are over. Not go be lustful, sexy, horny, and have fun. Make them want to see you again, and again, and again!