Dr. Sara Nasserzadeh

Dr. Sara Nasserzadeh is a Registered Supervisor and Senior accredited member of the College of Sex and Relationship Therapists (COSRT) in England and a Certified Sexuality Counselor and Approved Training Provider by the American Association for Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT). Dr. Nasserzadeh is a senior cultural and technical advisor to the United Nations. She is globally known for her contributions to the field of sexual health, couples therapy and relationships at the clinical as well as policy and educational levels. 

Dr. Nasserzadeh is a prolific and award-winning author with three books in English- Orgasm Answer Guide, Sexual Health Needs and Preferences of Young People and Wheel of Context for Sexuality Education- 6 edited books –My doctor- in Farsi, several book chapters, and a multitude of peer-reviewed articles and white papers to her credit. Her approach is highly informed by sociocultural lens and her experiences of working across 41 countries. 

Dr. Nasserzadeh recognizes the power of media as an impactful means to deliver information to all sectors of the society. “Dr. Sara” has been featured in major outlets such as BBC, ABC, Aljazeera, Hurryat, Salamat, CNN, NPR, goop and Shaw TV. She was named one of the Best Love Doctors by Harper’s Bazaar, and one of the Women in the Know by Daily Mirror. DatingAdvice.com named her one of the 10 Best Sex and Dating Experts. She remains very active and engaged across social media. 

Combining her expertise as a former journalist and her clinical expertise, “Dr. Sara” created and hosted a program called Whispers for the BBC World Service in 2006. Whispers is dedicated to bringing evidence-based information on sexuality and relationship issues to the public. “Whispersis the first of its kind in the Middle East, and is still on the air, continuing to reach millions of Farsi-speaking viewers across the globe beyond any government-imposed censorship. In 2007 Whispers received the BBC’s Innovation of the Year Award in London.

Dr. Nasserzadeh serves on the boards of various professional organizations. She is currently serving at the Advisory Board of the World Association for Sexual Health for her 17th year. In the past two decades she has served AASECT in various positions including regional representative, international outreach committee chair, chair of the Awards Committee and Board member. She Co-Chairs the annual World Sexual Health Day event at Stanford University and has been recently elected to chair the Division VII (Diversity and Social Justice) at the California Psychological Association (CPA).  She also serves on the Board of Religion and Sexual & Reproductive Health Rights Task Force of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). In March 2018, she was honored by the British Council as a UK Alumni Award finalist in the category of Social Impact in Washington DC. This award is the most prestigious in the category of Education offered by The British Council annually. Her most recent contribution to the field was the creation of a validated Inventory for the holistic assessment of a coupledom called Relationship Panoramic Inventory. This is the first validated Inventory for couples that is inclusive of various gender, sexual and relationship orientations. Her practice is in Beverly Hills, California while her services remain global.  She is honored to be the recipient of AASECT Professional Standard of Excellence Award, 2021.  

Episode Links:


September 3, 2021

Do you ever think that maybe you need to see a couples therapist? Even if your sex life is good, don’t you think you deserve more? Wouldn’t it be nice to have a better, stronger, more loving relationship? Join us with Speaker, Author, Couples Therapist and Researcher, Dr Sara Nasserzadeh, who wants to create world peace – one relationship at a time. She has a unique perspective on love, sexual chemistry, sexual harmony and jealousy. She is passionate about exploring how human connections lead to meaningful and fulfilling relationships.

Sexuality Education Wheel of Context: A Guide for Sexuality Educators, Advocates and Researchers

Sexuality Education Wheel of Context: A Guide for Sexuality Educators, Advocates and Researchers

AUTHOR:Dr. Sara Nasserzadeh & Dr. Pejman Azarmina
The Wheel of Context for Sexuality Education was created as a practical framework to ensure that educators, advocates, and researchers in the field of sexuality education maintain a holistic perspective on a selected number of key contextual factors that may influence, hinder or catalyze our work. The Wheel of Context may also help provide a greater appreciation for the communities we serve and ultimately lead to more desirable outcomes for our programs or projects. It is not only a tool to build consensus and alignments at the onset of a project, but also a medium to facilitate dialogue among stakeholders, create solutions out of conflicting ideas and a measure to deepen our understanding about the root causes of unforeseen barriers and resistance that we may face.